Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Physical and Phycological Benefits of Gardening

Today problem Air Pollution
Air pollution today and future problems
As you know, We have a huge problem i.e., Air pollution and it increasing day by day, that mostly produces by some fossil fuels factories that harm internally our body and we don't feel it our younger age but when we reach over 40+ years then feels like body don't work properly, feeling tired, headache, Ashtama, Cancer, Physical and Phycological like disease caught in our body.

So, as so far securing our future we should plan instantly to save our life from such diseases. How we can do that? and How we can get fresh air?
We can do it in a very simple way just need to install some plants in our own homes. Plants help us to protect our bodies from such harmfulnesses. We have some plants which reduce this pollution and save our life from a life-threatening illness.

 Physical and Phycological benefits of Gardening

1. Clear Toxin  

We spend most of the time (80% - 90%) in the Office and Houses. If we don't have plants in our offices and Houses. So, the air likely 100% polluted whose caused Heart diseases 26%, Lung diseases 30%, and Children's oxygen problems increase 25%.

One Research scientist found if we put one plant in 8 to 10sq feet So, it reduces toxin 8 to 10 percent which means if we have lots of plants then we will get pure air.

Physical and Phycological benefits of Gardening

2.  Reduce Stress

 NASA proof in one of the Research if we have several plants in our surrounding area then, you feel more relaxed, stressless, calm.

3. Feel less sick

If we have plants then we will need to give water them So, due to watering air gets humidity means moisturizing and whose dust particle exists in the air they move down fastly 20% due to this we feel free to get oxygen.
Suppose we don't have plants then the dust particles exits in the air and while we get oxygen then they go inside our body whose caused tiredness, itching, running nose, cough and eyes itching. All of these increase the possibility of 20%.

4. Mind Boosting

According to research if you spend some time with plants and caring those then, it comes to our nature and caring nature is very important to make any relation happy. Plants remove stress, fear, depression and other things.

Flowering plants make happy our face Sometimes you noticed that while we see any flower So, we feel smiley automatically.

5. Improve our Mental Health and increase illness recoveries : Our mental health is a vital component of overall well-being, and plants can help improve it by reducing stress and anxiety levels. They have been shown to increase illness recoveries by reducing the length of hospital stays and the need for pain medication.

6. Improve Productivity: Studies have shown that having plants in the workplace can improve productivity levels by reducing stress and increasing overall job satisfaction. This can result in better work performance and increased job retention rates.

7. Improve Relationships: Plants can also help improve relationships by creating a more welcoming and inviting atmosphere in homes and workplaces. This can result in stronger social connections and improved communication between individuals.

8. Improve Air Quality and reduce negativity: Plants have the ability to purify the air and reduce negativity in indoor environments. They absorb toxins and pollutants from the air, which can lead to better respiratory health and improved cognitive function.

9. Increase Air Humidity: Plants can also increase air humidity levels, which can be beneficial in dry indoor environments. This can help prevent dry skin, eyes, and throat, as well as reduce the spread of airborne illnesses.

10. Improve Creativity and Concentration: Plants have been shown to improve creativity and concentration levels in individuals. They have a calming effect on the mind and can help reduce mental fatigue, leading to increased productivity and better cognitive function.


Bonus Tip

Live with Plants for making your life beautiful just like a pretty flower and spend 30min daily with your plants then you will surely find some changes in yourself.

Thanks for reading, Happy Gardening! ðŸ˜Š

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